Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Moletai - Part 1

We were supposedly on a tight schedule to reach Moletai by one, but no one told Ignas that we were supposed to stop at the Zodiac Café first. Had a very leisurely lunch there and pre-ordered dinner as we were spending the day at Kulionys with the other Jonas. I have been to Moletal at least four times; once with Jonas T. and Michael York when we were given the grand tour of the observatory, the top of which is 7 storeys above ground, but there are also seven storeys below ground with some pretty amazing artwork and artifacts including a piece of the meteorite which fell in 1906. We were allowed to touch and handle everything.
Moletai is a fascinating place and is located in the exact geographical center of Europe (according to the ley lines). Jonas Vaiskunas has an enchanting encampment in sight of the observatory. I remember when he was building the place, and it was heartwarming to see how much it’s grown! The ritual circle is more elaborate now and is ringed with the signs of the Lithuanian zodiac. I didn’t even know Jonas V. was interested in astronomy, but he published a book on it in 2012 and I purchased a copy. Apparently, they’ve found a large bronze bowl many thousands of years old with a Baltic version of the zodiac. I’ve been there at least three times for Jore, the spring festival held near 4/20. The first year they were building their shrine to Perkunas, and he had asked everyone to bring a rock from their place. I brought an abalone shell. The rocks are now at least two meters high and there is large wood carving of the Thunder God. He actually makes a living giving tours, renting out the meeting hall, and even camping space when he’s not hosting his own events.

I'm in Lithuania till 8/5.



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