Thursday, November 5, 2020

Long Story Shorter


I've had a lot of trouble lately with my kindle which I use for a camera. For over two weeks I wasn't able to receive photos from it which were sent to my e-dress.


But, I called my favorite 20-year-old, and John came over and fixed it. Then it was Halloween, and I'm just now catching up on my postings, so I thought I would share my most recent painting, and only my second acrylic painting of a black cat for Halloween. This painting was a long story, too. I had signed up for an online painting class, and about halfway through, the lady who was teaching the class lost the broadcast, and I was unable to get back on her class, but did manage to finish it.


Picture one is just the painting, 

and the other a 'Ready for Halloween' tableaux.


Enjoy November and stay safe!


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