Thursday, March 10, 2011

Upcoming Events & Prudence’s Appearances

March 15-19 - Bouquets to Art at the DeYoung (open till 8:45 on Friday). Jade and I both have memberships and we can each take one guest every day.

19th (Full Moon) & 26th – Shield painting party at Patt’s with dawn ship offering on Sunday 3/27.

April 1st - Rites of Spring 8-10pm at Herbst Theatre – FREE!

8-11 – Prudence in DC visiting friends.

May 7th Pagan Pride in Berkeley – marching with the Besom Brigade and then will be vending amber, etc. at Daughters of the Goddess’ Beltane in Alameda.

9th-13th – Debbie & Linda visit me in Walnut Creek – South Park mini-con.

18th – 23rd – Gaia Gathering in Montreal with Alex.

24th – 26th – New York City area to visit Della in CT and see “Book of Mormon” on Broadway.

27th – 31st – Rites of Spring Fest near Boston, MA

June 18th – Pirates’ Ball at Benicia Clocktower with Tempest.

20-21 – Solstice and Birthday Party campout on Mt. Diablo.

30- July 4th – 22nd Ravenwood on Mt. Tam.

"'We must close union offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike' - Adolf Hitler, May 2, 1933."